Perspective Study:
Building Section:
Hines Elevations:
Pru Center Elevation:
Boylson Street Elevation:
Roof Level:
Third Level:
Second Level:
Gound Level:
Site Analysis
Final Intensive Review Comments:
Having hard time understanding plan.
What is your topic? Clarify
Explore degree of building intervention
- 2 circles?
- wrapper?
- oval?
- How they are treated through facade?
Wonderfully "machine like".
Lots of stripes - does that reveal duel logic of structure?
Show street context in plans.
Changeability of the space.
Like urban gesture within site: unequal void spaces.
Do more with dimension of wrapper.
Infill with ramp.
Balcony use?
New base of Pru Center.
Two ramps - the nature of the ramps as bridges.
Entry terminate in between spaces?
Multiple connections.
Access to roof.
Enter off spine.
Model was a good tool for understanding.
What is happening street side?
Push the entrance.
Geometry and scale works.
How does it integrate in the back?
Drawings hard to understand.
Mercedes Museum, Stuttgart