Saturday, February 2, 2008

Floor Plans - First Pass

Roof Plan

Third Floor

Second Floor

Ground Floor

1 comment:

enno said...


You did a good job by showing a complete set of plans and incorporating some noteworthy ideas (roof garden, stepped massing). But there are still some major things to be considered:

You focused on the building more than on the context and site (the trees on the upper level are generic and there is no information what happens on the lower plaza level. You need to think about the function and program of those spaces as well to integrate your object into the site.

What is happening on the different floors? "Tenant spaces" is too generic as a program - be more specific about which program pieces are located on which level.

The last comment directly relates to your circulation system, which eventually links the different programs or provides circulation within the store or restaurants. You need to resolve the issue on that level. For example: which program would be adjacent to the lower roof garden? What is the function of the top garden. Are they linked?

For now you show elevators in the center of each "pod", which seems more a diagrammatic and geometrical than a functional solution considering that there will more spaces that need enclosure within the plans that are open plans for now (egress stair, toilets, storage rooms, etc) a central core with those functions clustered around it might make more sense.

A last side comment: you have not completed any boards with site anaysis and concept statement. Since those establish the parameters to judge your design, I can not comment on, if you actually work sucessfully relative to your goals.

Please post progress on those boards by this coming Wednesday! It is also imparative that you check the work within your group and comment on it. The interaction via the blog is an important part of this studio.
