Saturday, February 9, 2008

Site - Revisited

Building Section

Site Section - 2

Site Section - 1

Site Plan - Second Floor/Food Court

Site Plan - Street Level

Hope that everyone is not as behind as I. Will be uploading additional site analysis information, building sections, floor plans and model images Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

MCS said...

Hi Mark,
I must say that your drawings have come a long way from the original "lantern." (Is that still your theme?)

The drawings look great, especially the floor plans, which are very clear and well presented. Nice reflecting pools!

However, I am wondering why you chose to cut the building sections at the locations outside of the building? You show three sections (two of which do not show anything but the existing site and buildings behind). The one section that you do have (the first drawing) was clear enough - but you don't note it on the floor plan.

You have definitely come a long way with these plans! Congrats!